The Pittsburgh SportsNation Radio Show

By Mike Drakulich, Pittsburgh SportsNation

Coming to a radio station near you? That's the plan!

So what will the show sound like? Here is a brief synopsis:

A Pittsburgh sports talk show that has a touch of Howard Stern and Dan Patrick to it.

A fun, highly entertaining broadcast that features sports coverage both locally and nationally, as well as the things the average male likes to talk about, such as movies, beer, girls, and food.

In my vision to be create the perfect broadcast, this show requires three people, with myself leading as the host. The other two co-hosts features one male and one female.

Typically, the male co-host would have experience as a former professional athlete, thus giving insight from a ballplayer's point of view, (but not required) and the female co-host would be witty, energetic, sports loving, and offer a woman's perspective on sports and entertainment.

The show would be highly interactive with the local fan base, thus keeping the average fan's opinions an integral part of the broadcast.

During interactions with callers and news segments, audio clips from movies or television, and or sound effects may be played to create humor.

I feel such a show would be a huge hit with both males and females in the desired 18-49 age range, but certainly not limited to just that demographic. This is the type of show that I feel listeners will yearn for daily due to the fun nature of the show, just as they do for Howard Stern and Dan Patrick.

Thoughts or comments?

Mike Drakulich covers the sports teams of Pittsburgh for Pittsburgh SportsNation. Subscribe to the feeds today on Facebook and follow on Twitter @PghSportsNation


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